In 2016 Julia Murphy and Cathryn Carkhuff met each other doing community work. We dreamed of a space in Chico where youth could have access to art and printing as a way to process this crazy world, print their own creations, and share them with their communities. Pedal Press was born as a first step, a way to bring participatory printing to Chico. We did workshops for youth and we partnered with our friends and brought live silk-screening to tons of events.
Educator and printmaker Stefanie Prado joined Julia and Cathryn as a Pedal Presser in 2019. Stefanie jumped in with both feet to live-printing at Run4Salmon and has been a game-changing addition to the Pedal Press crew ever since.
From our humble DIY beginnings, we continue to grow and form new relationships in the community; to imagine new ways of connecting and communicating; and to shape the tools together that will build the world we carry in our hearts.
Want to know more? Listen to the Pedal Press interview, conducted by screen printing legend Andy MacDougall.